A fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog


Magnesium Olie: De oplossing tegen rusteloze benen, spierpijn en meer!

Hallo allemaal!

Wat gaat de tijd toch snel zeg! Ik kan bijna niet geloven dat het alweer bijna maart is. Het is echt super koud buiten, maar gelukkig schijnt het zonnetje! Perfect weer om deze blog post te schrijven en lekker onder mijn warme deken te kruipen. Vandaag wil ik super graag iets delen waar ik heel enthousiast over ben. Het gaat namelijk over magnesiumolie dat steeds bekender aan het worden is. Lees gauw verder wat de vele voordelen zijn en mijn persoonlijke ervaring! 

Magnesium Olie: De oplossing tegen rusteloze benen, spierpijn en meer!

Elk mens heeft ongeveer 400 milligram aan magnesium nodig. Als je veel producten eet met veel suiker of koolzuurhoudende frisdranken drinkt dan heeft je lichaam extra magnesium nodig. Ook tijdens stressvolle periodes kan je lichaam meer behoefte hebben aan magnesium. Alleen met een perfect dieet kun je de ideale hoeveelheid uit je eten halen. Maar in de praktijk heeft je lichaam toch extra magnesium nodig, omdat maar heel weinig mensen een perfect dieet volgt. 

Hoe werkt het? 
Al heel lang haal ik bij de drogist de Tuinen magnesiumpilletjes die ik dan voordat ik ga slapen inneem, of vlak na het avondeten. Ik had er eigenlijk nooit bij stilgestaan dat er naast pilletjes ook andere oplossingen waren, zoals de magnesium spray. Iets waar ik vooral snel last van heb is rusteloze benen, vooral in stressvolle periodes wordt dat gevoel erger. Vaak slaap ik dan ook slechter en neem ik een magnsiumpilletje in, soms twee of drie dat ligt aan hoe erg het is. 

Magnesium Olie: De oplossing tegen rusteloze benen, spierpijn en meer!

Wat zijn eigenlijk de voordelen van magnesiumolie? 
Er zijn heel veel voordelen die magnesiumolie hebben voor je lichaam. 
-De olie zorgt ervoor dat je spieren ontspannen. Dit vindt ik eigenlijk het allerbelangrijkste punt omdat dit mijn meest voorkomende klacht is en eigenlijk ook de reden is om magnesium te gebruiken. 
-Mensen met vermoeidheidsklachten hebben vaak last van een magnesiumtekort. Mangnesium is heel belangrijk voor je stofwisseling en Permsal olie kan je meer energie geven. 
-Ook kan het als een anti-stress middel gebruikt worden. Als je gestresst bent dan zijn kunnen je spieren gespannen zijn. Permsal is een volledig natuurlijk product en dit mineraal ontspant je lichaam. Juist wanneer je gestresst bent heeft je lichaam de dubbele hoeveelheid magnesium nodig. Er zijn ook andere soorten olies, zoals een sportolie en een olie voor in bad. 

Magnesium Olie: De oplossing tegen rusteloze benen, spierpijn en meer!

Ik heb de magnesiumolie voor ongeveer twee weken uitgeprobeerd en ben super blij dat het werkt! De eerste paar dagen was het een beetje wennen want ik nam altijd magnesiumpilletjes en ik was bang dat het misschien niet even goed werkte. Maar eigenlijk werkt het nog beter. De eerste keer dat je de olie in aanraking komt met je uit kan het wat geïrriteerd aanvoelen, deze reactie is normaal en gaat snel weg. Na een paar keer spuiten voelde ik dat mijn rusteloze benen minder werden en ik sliep ook beter dan normaal. Ook na het sporten vind ik het fijn om de olie op mijn spieren te spuiten en versoepeld echt je spieren. 

Vergeet niet om ook een kijkje te nemen op Magnesiumonline, waar je heel veel soorten magnesium kunt vinden. Van scrubs tot kristallen tot gel er zit vast iets bij voor jou! Heel erg bedankt voor het lezen! 
Heb jij de magnesiumolie al uitgeprobeerd? Meer weten over magnesium? Over een tekort aan magnesium? En hoe je dit kunt aanvullen? Lees dan dit blog. 



Spring Bucket List Ideas

Bucket List Ideas

Improving Photography Skills 
Now that the days are getting longer and the sun is out more, it's the perfect time to grab my camera and take lots of pictures. I live in a small town close to the beach, so there will be beautiful sunsets and sunrises. I would love to spend a little bit more time outside. The only thing that's holding me back, is that I don't have a professional camera yet. I think I'm going to get one soon, probably a Canon. Taking pictures with your phone is ok too, but an hd camera is more fun and the photographs are from better quality. 

Spring Break Bucket List

Visit A New City
I absolutely love travelling! If I had all the money in the world, I would be somewhere different every weekend! I can already check this of my bucket list. I'm going to the lovely Valencia for a few weeks in April to take Spanish lessons. I'm always more drawn to the southern countries, like Spain, Italy, France and Portugal. I don't know why that is, maybe it's just their way of living, the culture and the food. I'm going to follow salsa classes as well at a local dance school, so that will be lots of fun! Unfortunately I'm just going after the Fallas, it's a big annual festival every year at the end of March. But there aren't any classes during that time. So it's wasn't possible to go than. 
Bucket List Things

Read 2 New Books
I've never been a big fan of reading. I can remember from primary school up until now that I've always read because I had to, not because I really liked reading. I want to start reading a few books this Spring and see if maybe I enjoy it more now. I've made a short list of the 2 books I want the read. They are all released this year. The first book is She Regrets Nothing, a tale about family, fortune, faith and about the dark side of prosperity. The second book I would love to read is The Deepest Well. It shows how a rough childhood can lead to health problems later in life and what you can do about it to break this cycle. I also want to start reading books about fashion or about other famous bloggers. 

Thank you for reading today's post! 
These are a few things I would love to improve or do this Spring.
Question time - What is on your Spring Bucket list ? 

Have a lovely day,


L'Oreal Paris X Fiber Xtreme Resist Waterproof Mascara Review

Hey everyone,

Lately I've been really into trying out new skincare products and haven't bought any new makeup. I read a lot of good reviews about this mascara and eyeliner from L'oreal and thought why not get them and see if they are really that good. I never wear a lot of makeup. I can even go days without any makeup at all, and I think that's natural and healthy to do. During winter I do wear a little bit more concealer, or bb cream or mascara so you can't see I how desperate in need of sun I am. I've used L'Oreal products for a really long time. Simply because they are just great and the brand comes up with new and creative ideas. Read further to get to know more about the mascara now!

L'Oreal Paris X Fiber Xtreme Resist Waterproof Mascara Black

I think that everybody can agree with me that you want to avoid clumpy eyelashes. I have already tried out many mascaras, from drugstore to higher end ones like Dior or Chanel. And I think I do prefer the more expensive ones, just because the quality is better. I'm sure there are good drugstore mascaras out there as well, but I haven't stumbled across them yet. The L'oreal Paris Waterproof Mascara has a two-step formula, which is really cool! Instead of wearing false lashes, this mascara says it gives you the impression of it. The first step is a primer that thickens your lashes. The second step has fibers which really make your lashes thicker and longer looking. 

L'Oreal Paris X Fiber Xtreme Resist Waterproof Mascara

I really like that the primer is a good base and that it doesn't flake or clump at all. That's a big plus point! Also the two step formula does give your lashes that false look I was looking for. The double lash wand is also easy to apply. If you're in a hurry for school or work, I wouldn't recommend this mascara because is does take a little bit longer. It takes about 2 minutes per eye for that full glossy and black effect. But if you're going out to a party or a gala than this mascara is perfect for that extra dramatic look! This mascara is definitely one of my favourites now. For the past week I've used this mascara everyday and am in love with it! The innovative idea is great and I don't want to go back to a normal mascara anymore. I doesn't matter if you're wearing a black dress, a part outfit or just a pair of comfy sweatpants. You can always wear this mascara to complete any look. The mascara is available for 19 euros. 

L'Oreal Paris X Fiber Xtreme Resist Waterproof Mascara Review
My look with the mascara 

Thank you very much for reading today's post!
I hope you enjoyed it!
Question time - Have you ever tried this mascara from L'oreal?

Have a lovely day,


Rome In 36 Hours

Rome In 36 Hours

Hey everyone,

I'm just back from a short trip to Rome! I want to go back already! This time I traveled with my friend who had never been to Italy before. My dad who is Italian was our tour guide during our stay there. The city isn't built in one day, and you can't see everything in one day either. Rome is for sure one of my favourite cities around the world. Everywhere you look there are beautiful buildings and monuments of thousand years old. There are still many roman discoveries hidden under the ground, but it's impossible to dig them all up. Read further now for some must visits and hotspots in Rome in 36 hours! 

Day 1
On Thursday we packed our bags for our flight from Amsterdam to Fiumicino airport. The flight is only two hours, so it's not very long. When we arrived in the evening, we went to my favourite restaurant to collect pizza. The place is called Mister Pizza and everything is so good there! I defenitely recommend going there if you want something that's affordable and delicious. The one I always go to is located at Via di Torrevechia, close to Parco Delle Mimose, a big park. The next day we decided to go to the Colosseum and the explore the area there. Although I come to Rome a lot, the typical touristic things I hadn't done in a while so it was fun to actually take a picture in front of the Colosseum haha. Because of my dad who studies the history of Ancient Rome, I started to really gain interest in all the stories behind the monuments. It's cool to know why exactly those buildings are remembered so many years later. We also went to a church called Basilica Santi Cosma and Damiano, close to the Roman Forum. In the 4th century this was used as a Roman Temple. I think that the statue in front of the church is beautiful! 

Rome In 36 Hours

Day 2
On the second day of our trip we decided to go to the area of the Italian court of Justice and walk around there to explore the city. We really had a lot of luck with the weather, it was sunny and not too cold! The Italian court is across the theatre called Adriano. Unfortunately when we were there, there weren't any shows. The court is really cool, with a lot of statues and the building itself is very big. What is noticed, is that because Rome is on the top list of and needs to be protected, you see police everywhere. The park in front gives a little bit the feeling of being in Dubai, with the church and the palm trees. You can just go for a jog in the morning there, drink some coffee and relax for a while before going to work. After eating pizza for lunch, we went to the Piazza di Spagna. There is a street nearby called Via Del Corso. If you love shopping, than you will love it. All the famous designers have a boutique in this street. From Prada, to Pinko to Dior they are all there. 

Rome In 36 Hours

Day 3
The time flew by super fast! This day we went to the other part of Rome. First we went to the famous Trevi Fountain. It's always crowed with tourists taking pictures. And so did we, we took the perfect picture to capture a memory to look back on years later. I did see the fountain many years ago, but it's still very nice to see it again. After that we walked towards the Sant Pietro. Every Sunday the pope gives a speech, so it's almost impossible to park your car. After lunch time we went to the square. What I didn't know before, is that the two buildings on both sides of the basilica were built with a purpose. When standing on the main square, it's like the church embraces you. 
Rome In 36 Hours

Rome In 36 Hours

I also prefer to visit Rome during winter or spring, so it's not too hot to walk around the city. 

3 Tips to enjoy Rome like a local
1. Go shopping at Via Del Corso or Vittorio Veneto. These are the streets were all the Romans go to, from designer to the brands like Pull&Bear. 
2. If you like getting out of the business of the city and are looking for some quiet time, the park of Villa Borghese is perfect. It's the largest green park of whole Rome. You have a zoo there, a theatre, a cinema and much more! 
3. Another tip I want to give you is to go to one of the lookout points of Rome. You can enjoy a very cool panoramic view of the city at Orange Garden or at Monte Mario, a view point close to the Olympic Stadium. 

Thank you very much for reading today's post. I hope I made you enthusiastic about Rome! It's a great city and the food is so yummy!!

Question time - Have you ever been to Rome? 
Have a lovely day,
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