1. The people in my life
I'm very thankful for my parents, my lovely boyfriend (if you're reading this hi!;), friends.. grandmother.. It's a really nice feeling to have some people around you that care about you and can say everything to. I can say that these people feel like home to me.
2. My health
I'm also grateful for my health. The only thing I'm coping with are my pms symptoms, like restless legs, tiredness, etc. Especially in high school I didn't know how to cope with it. But now luckily with taking magnesium, having a good sleeping routine, picking out foods that help with specific fats etc, and working out it has become a lot less. Now I know that a week before my period I'll probably have less energy so I plan a bit around it if possible to make that week a bit less busy, because I noticed extra stress can increase the symptoms.
3. Being able to witness growth
Sometimes I don't realise how much I have progressed and grown. It's usually in moments like when I go for a walk and thoughts pop up that I realise for example I handle some things differently like how to cope with failures or mindset or things like that. And I find it beautiful to see that in the people in my life as well! Nobody is perfect, we're all human so seeing a friend progress and growing compared to last year is really nice to see. Because really I believe the people you spend most of your time with influence you as well, even just a tiny bit. So choose wisely who you spend time with and give your energy to.
We're nearing the end thanks a lot for reading! I hope you enjoyed it and maybe even that it helped you even a tiny bit towards creating a more positive mindset. And remember that having a positive mindset does not equal being happy all the time. It's more the perspective you take in life. I wish you a lovely weekend and will be back soon for another post!
Question time --> What are you most grateful for? Let me know in the comments below!
Xoxo Isabella ❤
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