How to look fabulous on a budget
Hey everyone!!
Sometimes it's not always easy to buy clothes that stick with your budget. But you don't have to win the lottery to look good of course! If you want some tips to shop and look fabulous than keep reading, because here they are.
1. The stores. Choose stores that fit your clothing style. If you like to wear preppy clothes than Tommy Hilfiger or Abercrombie are good stores to shop at. Also American Eagle, Forever 21, JCrew, H&M, Hollister and Aeropostale are very good brands. And they sell cute and affordable clothing. If you still think it's a little over your budget than wait until the big sale starts. Now, the period before Christmas is a good period to start looking for that sweater you wanted for a while. Maybe it's half price now?! :)
2. Buy the wardrobe essentials.
*You need to have at least 2 pairs of skinny jeans that fit your body well. Preferable on a little darker than the other. You can where them with almost everything, and they look fashionable.
*The little black dress. This is also a must have.
*A cardigan. It really goes with everything. It's easy to combine and it looks like you made an effort to look good.
*And of course a few sweaters for when it's colder outside.
*The necessary t-shirts in white, black, v-neck etc.
*Good pair of shoes.
3. Good quality. When you buy something a little bit cheaper than there is a chance that it becomes smaller in the dryer or that the quality isn't as good as it was. When I once bought some things at a cheap clothing store in my neighborhood(it was for a lot of money), I could throw my clothes away after a few weeks. The quality was just very poor. But not that you should always buy expensive clothes. But only to say that sometimes it can be better to save your money and then buy something from a good brand. At the end it saves you a lot of money.
4. Only buy something if you need it. If your budget is tight, don't buy stuff that you don't really need. I know it can be hard sometimes, because their are so many cute clothes in the shops. But try to stick to what you need to have.
Some other tips:
-If you want to follow the seasonal trends, than do it with accessories
-Buy your winter clothes when spring starts and your summer clothes when autumn starts, it can save you a lot of money
-Learn basic sewing skills. They are really handy if you like to design your own clothes
And if your a college student you can save a lot of money on for example Target.com,
Timberland.com, Topshop.com.
Hope it helped you a little bit further.
Thanks for reading. Have a nice weekend everyone!
What are your favorite fashion stores?
Have a fashionable day,
Have a fashionable day,
How to keep a journal
Hey everyone,
You've probably tried many times to start a journal but than you don't have motivation to keep going, and you quit. This has happenend to me a lot. But now for about 2 months I have managed to keep writing in my journal everyday. It's good to write in it. You can write about everything that bothers you and it releases stress. I write about things that happenend to me that day, all the things I'm afraid of telling others I write about. It's also fun when your a bit older to look back at the journal and read all the fun stories you wrote. Here are some tips to start a journal and of course keep writing in it.
1. Buy a diary or journal. First choose a diary that you think is cute and it the right size. You can also keep your dairy online if you prefer that. It's faster. The only think that's more handy with a paper version is that you can bring it everywhere with you. And you can decorate it with cute things. For cute journals/diarys go to bookstores in your neighbourhood or Kate Spade sells really cute ones.
2. Decide what kind of journal you want. There are a lot of different types of journal. It's important to choose what you want to write in your journal. For example you have a vacation journal. That's only for a short period. You write about each day of your vacation. Al the fun things that you did there. Like a complete journey of your vacation. Also you have a gratitude journal. In this you write about what your thankful each day. I personally think that that is a very nice idea. And a dream journal. In this you write about all the dreams you have and have accomplished each day. These can be small wishes (accomplishments) that you want to achieve each day. Of course there are a lot more types of journals to keep. Keep in mind to choose for which occasion you want to use them.
3. So you finally chose your perfect journal. But now the only thing is, is to keep writing in it. Choose a specific time each day you want to write in it. This helps your to make a routine of it. Fill your journal with whatever you like, your fav movies, interests it doesn't matter. It's all about you. Also quotes that are inspiring to you. It's sort of your own lifebook. You can fill it with cute doodles and skeches and photos of your family and best friends. You can write about what happend to you that day. What you learned about it. Things like that. Use your inspiration. Also keep your journal in a secret place where nobody can find it.
Thanks for reading! And remember keep writing!
Have a lovely day,
How to do the splits in one month
Hey everyone,
For some people a split is very easy, but for others it can be a challenge. Have you ever seen a ballerina that so flexible and you want to do that too? It's not impossible to be able to do it. I am giving you some tips to do the split easy and fast. With some patience and motivation you will get there!
1. The first thing you have to do is to choose comfortable clothes where you can move easily in. This is very important, because when you wear tight clothes like skinny jeans you can't strech well. You can wear a legging with a top or tshirt.
2. Than do a warmup. This is also very important before you start doing the splits. Because if you muscles are not warmed up yet, you'll have a higher risk of getting injuries. And you can strech deeper. For the warmup you can jog in place, do some jumping jacks. Just try to keep moving. You should do this for around 5 minutes.
3. When your muscles are warmed up the stretching can begin. Try to save at least 10-15 minutes everyday to practise for the split. Otherwise if you only do it a few minutes it's not so helpful. Good excercices are:
*Sit on the ground with your legs together straight in front of you. Reach you legs towards your toes. Keep your back straight. Try to being you chest everytime a little closer to your legs. If you find it difficult you can bend you knees a little.
*Sit with you legs spread far from each other apart. Try to reach with your hand your legs. One leg at a time. Try to reach your feet and keep your back straight. Hold each strech for about 30 seconds.
4. Know when to stop. Really stop with stretching when something hurts. Don't go further because this can lead to serous injuries. And your goal of being able to do the splits isn't reachable anymore.
Remember that practice makes perfect!
Thanks for reading!
Can you already do the splits?
Have a lovely day,
Have a lovely day,
How to apply a fake tan
Hey everyone,
Self tanning is the best and healthiest way to give yourself a little more color in your face. Its very handy for the winter because you dont get much sun and for those days your not looking your best. You've probably heard stories from other girls who applied their self tanner and that it didn't go so well. But with these tips you won't get an orange glow on your face. I can guarantee you it will look just as a real tan!
1. Take care of your skin. The first thing that you have to do, even if you don't want to apply self tanner is keeping your skin in a good condition. Eat healthy, eat lots of vegetables, fruit and drink a lot of water to keep your skin hydrated. Wash your skin everyday and put a cream on afterwards. It will prevent you face from getting dry, because when your face gets dry it's easier to get wrinkles. And that's not what you want right!?
2. Exfoliate. The second thing you have to do is to exfoliate your face and neck. The best time you can apply it is in the evening before you go to bed. I often scrub my face with the scrub from Loreal. It's very good and you can also use it for your body. Which I think is very handy. And than get a good night rest.
3. In the morning wash your face and neck with a good cream cleanser. This will make it easier to apply your face tan. A good cleanser is from Clinique. I use it a lot and it's very good for your skin.
4. Dry your face. After you washed and cleaned your face, wait about 20 minutes before applying your face tan.
5. Apply your face tan. Apply your tanner on your face, and try to use small amounts. You can apply it just the way you would apply a normal moisturizer on your face. And try to blend it outwards of your face. You don't have to come very close to the eye area. Try to avoid that as much as possible.
6. Wash your hands. Wash your hands with soap so they don't turn orange. And than the only thing you have to do now is waiting. It usually takes up from 5-8 hours before you see the result. But it's definately worth you while. :)
Some good face tanners are: Kate Sommerville, Tarte, Lancome
-Tanning make you look slimmer
-You won't get wrinkles from it
-It's easy to apply
Thanks for reading!
Remember practice makes perfect!
Have a lovely day,
3 Ways to wear plaid this fall
Hey everyone,
This year plaid is a huge trend. It's a bold and preppy print. It was seen on the runways in 2014 and now almost everybody has some clothing item in a plaid print in their wardrobe. There are so much options on how to wear the print. You can make it more chic and girly, or very bold combined with a pair of trousers. The thing is about making your own style and choose something your comfortable in. Here are some tips to pull of your plaid clothing items.
1. Choose the right colors. Pick colors that look good on you. If more softer colors look good on you, you can choose pastel colors. They are soft and also very girly. And for the warmer colors you can choose dark red and navy. The warmer colors look the best on me. My skin has slightly a undertone to red/brown. Why waste a lot of money on useless clothes in the wrong color? :) If you want to find something in plaid, than here are some things you have to think about when choosing the perfect color.
*First you have to look at your skin tone, your eye color and your hair color
*Secondly look at your imperfections, so when looking for something you can choose a clothing item that covers those things and flatters your other beautiful sides of your body.
*Look in the mirror when you try something on. If you see that your face is not looking good, than it's not the right color.
2. Look at the fit. Tartan shirts can be fitted or loose. You have oversized boyfriend shirts that are loose and casual. You can put the half of your shirt into your pants, so it's has a cool look. It's more for the taller persons I think. Because I try it on once and the shape of the shirt was way to big for me. Im quite small. If your smaller than I suggest to try the slim fit shirts. The fitted plaid shirts contour your body, and flatters your body. Both shirts look good with skinny jeans, and a big or small leather belt.
3. Be girly. Their are so much ways to wear the tartan shirts. You can give it any look that you want. And with adding some jewelry it's the final touch.
*When you wear the shirt, leave some buttons of the shirt open. This way your look with be more feminine and girly. And it looks nice.
*Pair your shirt with jeans, cute skirts or shorts.
*Add cute jewelry to your outfit like a cute bracelet, or a cute scarf.
Other tips:
-Plaid is already a bold pattern. When you wear a plaid shirt, don't also wear plaid trousers or a scarf. Try to focus the attention on one thing at a time, other wise it becomes too much.
-Choose the material carefully. Flannel shirts are more for the winter. And materials like cotton are more for the summer.
Thanks for reading!! Let me know in the comments what you think of the plaid trend!
Have a lovely day,
What to wear on a long plane flight
Hey everyone,
Going on vacation is the thing I look forward every holiday. Away from all the daily normal things. You go on vacation to another country or you just go away to a place close to your home. The fastest way to travel is by plane. But the tricky thing is, what do your wear during a long plane flight? If you want some tips to dress well during your flight, than your in the right place.
1. Layer. Traveling to other destinations you maybe have different weather types. It's essential to wear for example a tee with a vest on top. When your arrive at a warmer place you can only wear the tee. That's very handy. Also the more layers you wear, the less you have to pack in your suitcase. I like to wear wear a blouse from Abercrombie&Fitch, it's practical because you can pull the sleeves up when it's a bit warmer. And I combine the blouse with a pair of Hollister jeans. This is definitely my fav jeans brand. The quality is very good, and it fits perfectly. Jeans are very practical too, you can wear everything on it and it looks also good. On a plane your outfit has to be comfortable, so do not choose things that or really tight. I also wear a pair of sneakers from New Balance or Timberland. They are warm and good to walk on for longer distances.
2. Loose-fitting clothes. It's important that your outfit isn't too tight or too loose. You have to feel comfortable in it and when you have to walk that it's practical. Also from a study is shown that you have a higher risk to get blood clots when your wear really tight clothes, and sit long during the flight. So just look that's it's not too tight. You can wear a tee with a vest on top.
3. Be a fashionista. Going on holiday to your dream destination doesn't mean loose clothes, big shirts, baggy trousers and things like that. ;) By choosing a comfortable and practical outfit, you can still look trendy. Like a pair of colored jeans, or a cute top.
*If you want to accesoirize don't wear to much jewelry. Remember it has to be practical. And all of these things will be removed when you pass the security.
*Don't wear too much make-up because after a few hours your skin can het irritated or you makeup won't look good anymore.
Hope it helped you a little bit further.
Have a good flight!!
Have a lovely day,
How to apply eyeshadow
Hey everyone
You don't have to be a professional makeup artist to apply eyeshadow. Applying eyeshadow can be tricky in the beginning, but with the right supplies and practise it's easy to do. With this ways your on your way of becoming the beauty queen.
1. Start with cleaning your face. This is a good base to start with. Your skin has to be clean before applying the makeup. Was your face with a cleanser before your begin. It will keep your skin from being greasy. Also if you want you could put some primer on your eyes so the makeup has something to stick on. Then you can apply concealer(also optional) for the dark circles under your eyes.
2. Choosing the right color. Picking a good color or brand can be tricky. There are so many options like powders, they are pigmented eyeshadows and difficult to apply. Or cream eyeshadows, they are much easier to pally and you can apply them very quickly. When looking for the right color you can look at your skin tone and see what matches your skin. Also looking at your eye color is good to see which color looks good on your eyes. If you want to have a natural look you can choose a palette with three shades in neutral tones. It will give you just that extra sparkle for your eyes. ;) Try the color blue, this is a color that really pops. It's nice for a party or when your going out but also on a daily basis. Blue goes the best with brown eyes because it's the opposite.
3. Apply eyeshadow. Apply a light color on your eyelid, from you eyelashes to your crease. Choose a color like soft pink or brown. If you choose a color in that direction your perfectly fine.Then apply a lighter color on your brown bone. Highlight that area, and choose a color like gold or something in those shades. Then at last apply a dark color at your crease, this can really be any color you prefer but a little in colors that you already used for the base. Go from the outer corner of your eye to you crease and do this with little strokes. When you have done this you can pick a fluffy brush or with your finger and you can blend and mix the colors on your eyelids. Then your ready to go!! ;)
*Don't use to much eyeshadow, or your makeup will look overdone.
*Experiment! It's fun to create new ways and create your own look.
*Choosing the right colors and applying eyeshadow can take some time.
Thank you so much for reading today's post!
Have a lovely day,
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