Hey everyone,
Going on vacation is the thing I look forward every holiday. Away from all the daily normal things. You go on vacation to another country or you just go away to a place close to your home. The fastest way to travel is by plane. But the tricky thing is, what do your wear during a long plane flight? If you want some tips to dress well during your flight, than your in the right place.
1. Layer. Traveling to other destinations you maybe have different weather types. It's essential to wear for example a tee with a vest on top. When your arrive at a warmer place you can only wear the tee. That's very handy. Also the more layers you wear, the less you have to pack in your suitcase. I like to wear wear a blouse from Abercrombie&Fitch, it's practical because you can pull the sleeves up when it's a bit warmer. And I combine the blouse with a pair of Hollister jeans. This is definitely my fav jeans brand. The quality is very good, and it fits perfectly. Jeans are very practical too, you can wear everything on it and it looks also good. On a plane your outfit has to be comfortable, so do not choose things that or really tight. I also wear a pair of sneakers from New Balance or Timberland. They are warm and good to walk on for longer distances.
2. Loose-fitting clothes. It's important that your outfit isn't too tight or too loose. You have to feel comfortable in it and when you have to walk that it's practical. Also from a study is shown that you have a higher risk to get blood clots when your wear really tight clothes, and sit long during the flight. So just look that's it's not too tight. You can wear a tee with a vest on top.
3. Be a fashionista. Going on holiday to your dream destination doesn't mean loose clothes, big shirts, baggy trousers and things like that. ;) By choosing a comfortable and practical outfit, you can still look trendy. Like a pair of colored jeans, or a cute top.
*If you want to accesoirize don't wear to much jewelry. Remember it has to be practical. And all of these things will be removed when you pass the security.
*Don't wear too much make-up because after a few hours your skin can het irritated or you makeup won't look good anymore.
Hope it helped you a little bit further.
Have a good flight!!
Have a lovely day,