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My Favorite Yoga Workouts On Youtube

yoga workouts on youtube
Hi everyone!! I hope you're still healthy and doing well in this weird time! Despite the lock down and everything that has been happening in the past few weeks I feel like times is going by faster and faster. How is that possible?! I can't imagine how tough it is to be separated from family and loved ones. Even myself, with family living in another country, there are days where I miss them so much and wish I could just hop on a plane hug them. But, your health is the main priority, so just hang in there. Just know that to everything comes an end, and when this is all over, you can look back and say you coped with that and came out even stronger, while appreciating the normal life before the lock down happened! Everyone copes with the situation differently. Despite it not being my favorite thing to do, I have found out that yoga actually is very helpful to keep your mind healthy and calm. I've searched YouTube and listed a few of my favorite/the best workouts on YouTube and will list them here below. Grab your yoga mat and lets get ready!!

This is a 20 minute video for absolute beginners, and perfect if you are just getting started. She explains the moves very calmly, and makes you feel energized afterwards. Remember if you're just getting started, you probably won't do all the moves perfectly, and that's fine. Practice makes perfect the saying goes. 

This is a more upbeat and fun workout, where Jackelyn Ho incorporates flexibility exercises into the yoga workout, so you have a bit of both, perfect right?! I find this workout best to do or early in the morning when waking up and before having breakfast. Or late in the evening before going to bed to get into the relax mode. 


If you're already a bit more intermediate and have done yoga a lot, than this 45-minute workout will be nice. It's a bit longer, and helps to strengthen, tone, and sculpt your body, but in a way you don't feel like you're working out. I've done this workout on the weekends after a short cardio workout, and it feels really good to do something more calm afterwards. 

Thanks so much for stopping by on my blog! It means a lot to me!! I hope I inspired you to get of the couch and start doing some yoga haha!

QUESTION TIME  - How do you stay fit? Have you ever tried yoga? 

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