Hey everyone,
It's a snowy and cold day today in Holland. If you're just like me, than you're already looking forward to your next trip this summer. This summer I'm going to a dream island I've always wanted to go to. It's going to be a family trip to Palau, a beautiful place in the north of Sardinia in Italy. Although my trip is still months away, maybe yours is very soon. It's never too early to start thinking about what to pack in your suitcase. To help you a little bit further I've created a list with Essential Travel Items every Girls Needs to bring with her. Get cozy and let's get to the packing essentials list!
1. POWERBANK - They come in so many different patterns and colors that
there will always be one you like. When traveling, a power bank is very handy
so you don't need to worry that your battery dies any moment. Unicorn items are
very trendy right now, and this power bank is so cute!
2. MOISTURIZER - Dermalogica is one of my favorite skincare brands.
They have a line especially designed for young adults called Clear
Start. The moisturizer that I use daily is definitely an essential
when traveling. It's called the Dermalogica Clear Start Oil Clearing Matte
Moisturizer with spf15. To keep your skin young, even in the winter I choose a
skincare product with at least spf15 just to protect my skin. Your skin can get
quite dry, and it's great to have a product that takes care of your skin. You
can even apply the moisturizer as a makeup base. I've also written a review about
the moisturizer which you can read here.
3. ORGANIZING BAG - This is a simple bag-all organizer which you can
bring easily with you on your next trip. It's a bikini organizing bag made from
canvas. The founder and stylist Jennifer Jansch had a desire to live
more sustainable so she launched bag-all. The bags are designed to be used
and reused and are not only gift bags. You can also use them to put basic items
in like your bikini, or socks.

5. JOURNAL - Years later the funnest thing to do
is looking back on your trip and bringing all the memories alive again. You can
write all your thoughts, activities, lists, quotes, pictures and so many
more things in your journal. It's a creative outlet and perfect to look
back on. On Not On The High Street you can personalize your own
journal to make it even more special.
6. LUGGAGE TAG - When you want to bring a
suitcase with you for longer stays, a luggage tag is inevitable. Asos always
has so many fun gifts and accessories. This luggage tag is from the stationary
brand called Paperchase in the shape of a llama.

7. HEADPHONES - Headphones are basically my
second home, no really. When I go to bed I wear my headphones to listen to some
music and I keep up with my favorite Youtubers( KKANDBABYJ and SACCONEJOLY).
But also during the day they are really handy if you want to study and block
out the noises around you. This pair of headphones is from Urbanears. I have
one at home in purple also from this brand and they are very comfortable and
easy to bring with you when traveling. It's in the color lime and has a
modern and minimal look.
8. HAND CREAM - Just as taking care of you face is
important, your hands can get very dry as well. A hand cream is the solution
for smooth and silky hands, even when traveling. I'm loving the brand Lush
right now. They have a hand cream called helping hands, with ingredients such
as a calming chamomile and cocoa butter cream. The hand cream is soft pink and
is made only of natural ingredients.
9. BOOK - Sometimes you need a little break from all the social media and the internet. Reading is perfect to relax and think about nothing else but your book. The famous vlogger Sierra Furtado has written a called Life Uploaded. She explores what is means to redefine happiness and stay trough to your self when you are in the spotlight. I really enjoyed reading the book, in case you still need a fun book to put on your summer reading list this is definitely a recommendation!
Thank you very
much for reading today's post!
- What is your favorite travel essential? And what are your travel plans for
this summer?
Have a
lovely day,
Great post :) I don't leave my home without an mp3 player. And I always take a book - Agatha Christie's criminals are my favourite. There's nothing better than a juicy murder ;)